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Creating Promo Codes
Bryan Brand avatar
Written by Bryan Brand
Updated over a week ago

Promo codes are very useful tool in getting more customers to your events! Promo codes make the customer think they are getting a special deal, and encourages them to purchase tickets sooner, rather than later. They're great for giving friends or sponsor discounts, enticing large groups to attend together and selling last minute (or early bird!) tickets!
To create promo codes for your event, navigate to the "Promo Code" tab under the "Tickets" header on your event dashboard. From there, select '+Create new promotion' and a drop-down list will appear allowing you to customize your new promo code.

Make sure you name your promo code something specific, as the name will appear in the sales stats showing how often it was used, how much it cost etc.
The promo code can be anything you would like, but is case sensitive! So keep that in mind when choosing a code.
You can choose the promo to be a dollar amount, or percentage of the total ticket cost. For example, $5 off or 25%, whatever you think sounds most appealing. You can also limit the availability of the promo, if you intend on doing a 'one day only' promo or have the code expire a week before your event.
Promo codes can be limited to certain ticket types as well, or applicable to all- you choose! The final factor for promo codes, is the uses available. You can limit the promo code to a certain number of uses total, or per user. Keep in mind if you limit the use to 1 per user, and someone tries to buy 2 + tickets, the promo will only work for one of their tickets.
The promo code feature can be used unlimited amounts of times, so feel free to make as many as you need! You can make use of the various limitations to craft many different codes for a variety of promotional uses.
If you have questions about creating promo codes, call us at 800-936-3126 or email, we are here to help!

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