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Share Incentive
Bryan Brand avatar
Written by Bryan Brand
Updated over a week ago

This is one of our absolute favorite features! The “Share Incentive” feature allows you to encourage ticket buyers to share your event on their Facebook as they buy tickets.

We love the Share Incentive because it allows you to offer your buyers an incentive to share your event, which gives you a greater social reach at a much lower cost and with less effort than paid advertising on social platforms. What’s more is that you are actually able to track the total shares and the resulting ticket sales from specific buyers who shared- so you get to know your trendsetters. You also get to see how much it all cost, we’d be willing to bet you’ll sell more tickets per dollar with this than boosting a post- just sayin’!

Feature Details

You can activate this feature on an event-to-event basis. The “Share Incentive” feature lives within your event dashboard under the “Tickets” header.

Here is a breakdown of the steps you need to take to activate the Share Incentive feature:

  • Navigate to the “Share Incentive” tab within your event dashboard

  • Create a Headline to encourage your buyers to share during the purchase process, something catchy like “Share and Save”

  • Customize the message content or teaser giving a quick blurb of how they can save some money, “Share on Facebook and receive 10% off!”

  • Input the discount you’d like to offer per share

  • Set the dates you would like this feature to be active

  • Determine the total uses available

  • Then you are ready to ACTIVATE!

Buyers will now be prompted to share the event on Facebook as they checkout. Once they share on their Facebook, they are automatically sent back to their cart with the discount applied to their order!

Pretty easy right?! We hope you find this feature useful. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us for questions or if you need assistance customizing your profile page - we're always here to help.

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