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How can I sell tickets on my website?
How can I sell tickets on my website?

Embed options

Bryan Brand avatar
Written by Bryan Brand
Updated over a week ago

NIGHTOUT offers multiple ways to easily sell tickets directly on your website or blog. Our different embed options allows you to simply implement a code snippet within your site(s) or blog that automatically embeds all or individual events created on your NIGHTOUT organization.

NIGHTOUT's Embed Options are awesome because:

  1. The different embed choices make it incredibly easy for your customers to buy tickets directly on your website or easily navigate to your NIGHTOUT event page.

  2. Embedding your events maximizes your customer’s experience and willingness to purchase.

  3. You can track / measure which embed placements are selling the most by applying Custom Tracking Links within the embed technology.

  4. You can customize the look of each different embed option to match your branding or event theme.

With the variety of embed styles available on NIGHTOUT, you have multiple ways to market your events and sell tickets directly on your website.

You can embed ALL your events or choose to embed a single event, depending on your needs there are two places to access embed codes on NIGHTOUT's Backstage. 

  1. Organization Level Embed Codes - if you wish to list ALL your organizations events on your website you will want to choose from the different embed options listed under the "Embed Integrations" tab under the "Integrations" header on your organization dashboard. 

  2. Event Level Embed Codes - if you wish to embed a single event into your website you will want to choose from the options listed under the "Embed Integrations" tab under the "Integrations" header on that specific events dashboard. 

Embed Options:

Event List with Full Checkout

List out ALL of your Organization's upcoming events and allow customers to complete the entire checkout process on your site without being redirected to your NIGHTOUT event page.

List out each of your Organization's upcoming public events, like above, except customers are redirected to your hosted event page on NIGHTOUT to complete their checkout process.

Event with Full Checkout

Use this embed option to place the full checkout form on your site(s) for a single event. This embed code is great if your promoting a specific event on its own webpage / website.

Event Add to Cart

Use this embed option to add a responsive cart form to your site so users can select their quantity and then click through to the checkout page on NIGHTOUT. This option is best if you would like to display all the ticket options for a single event but do not want to have the user complete their checkout in an iframe.

Event Calendar with Embedded Checkout

Lists all of your upcoming events in a responsive calendar along with each events ticket types. Customers can select their quantity of tickets and purchase without being redirected. The full checkout ability is included in this embed option.

Event Calendar with Event Add to Cart

Lists all of your upcoming events in a responsive calendar along with each events ticket types. Customers can select quantity of tickets and they will be redirected to your NIGHTOUT event page to complete their purchase.

Event Grid

Lists ALL of your Organization's upcoming events in a responsive grid. Allowing customers to complete their entire purchase on your site without being redirected to your NIGHTOUT event page.

Events Everywhere

Use this easy-to-implement code snippet to automatically creates a “View Events” button that will redirect ticket buyers to your Organization's profile page listing all current events. You can activate this code snippet anywhere on the web.

To Install Events Everywhere:
 1. First, activate the widget by adding this code globally to the head of your site
 2. Then place this code to activate the “View Events” button anywhere on your site

Tickets Everywhere

Tickets Everywhere is a simple code snippet that automatically creates a "Buy Tickets" button that you can embed anywhere on the web and redirect ticket buyers to your NIGHTOUT event page.

To Install Tickes Everywhere:
 1. First, activate the widget by adding this code globally to the head of your site
 2. Then place this code to activate the “Buy Tickets” button anywhere on your site

How to install NIGHTOUT's embed code options onto your Website(s) or Blog

It is as simple as copying and pasting your desired embed code option directly into the backend of your site(s), blog or wherever you wish for it to appear. Below are instructions for activating the embed code into Square Space, Wordpress, and Wix.


Using the Code Block - you can use the Code Block to add custom code to a page, blog post, sidebar, or footer. The Code Block is a good option if you want to embed third-party widgets or customize a page beyond what's possible with other blocks. You can also use the Code Block to display code snippets (The Code Block renders HTML and Markdown).

Step 1: Add the Code Block
 1. Open a page or post editor.
 2. Click an Insert Point or the +.
 3. Select Code from the menu.

Step 2: Add Code
 1. If you're displaying content with the Code Block, ensure that HTML or Markdown is selected in the drop-down menu.
 2. Then enter or paste the code into the box and remove the code placeholder.

Step 3: Display source (optional)
 1. If you're using the Code Block to display code, check Display Source.
 2. This is useful for showing examples of code, since the Code Block automatically formats code snippets for readability, making it a better option than the Text Block.

Step 4: Save
 1. Click Apply to publish your changes.

Refer to the SQUARESPACE Support Page for additional tips and tricks.


  1. Open the page or post you want to edit

  2. Click on the tab in the upper right that says "Text" to the right of the visual tab.

  3. Once you have the "Text" tab selected you can now paste valid HTML into the editor window and then save and republish.


With WIX you can use the HTML element to embed code onto your site.
 To add HTML code:
 1. Click Add on the left side of the Editor.
 2. Click More.
 3. Click HTML Code, or drag it the relevant location on your page.
 4. Click Enter Code.
 5. Enter the code.
 6. Click Update.

Read more about embedding HTML code into Wix.

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